The table of shewbread


            1. Scripture: Exodus 25:23-30; 37:10-16; Leviticus 24:5-9.

            2. Description: It was constructed of wood plated over with gold. The acacia wood was the basis for forming the table and the wood was overlaid with gold. The table, therefore, portrays the uniqueness of the person of Christ. The gold represents His deity and the wood represents His humanity. So the table also speaks of our Lord Jesus Christ.

            3. There was bread on the table, and the bread on the table speaks of Bible doctrine by which we have come to know and to love the Lord Jesus Christ. You could not put bread on the table unless there was a table. The table speaks of Christ and basically all doctrine is courtesy of our Lord Jesus Christ.

            4. The table was located on the north side of the holy place, facing the lampstand — Exodus 40:22.

            5. Around the edge of the table was what is called in the King James version a crown. Actually, it is a moulding of gold which projected above the table to keep the bread from falling off. This reminds us of the eternity of the Word of God and its content, Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine lives and abides forever, it cannot be destroyed by experts. Satan has tried to destroy it, many have tried to neutralise it, it has been distorted but it cannot be removed.

            6. The bread of the table was called shewbread, but that is wrong. The Hebrew says “bread of the face” or “bread of the presence”. In other words, Bible doctrine portrays for you what God is like. It is the bread that shows His face, it is the bread that makes you understand His presence. The shewbread, then, represents not only who and what Christ is but it represents the basis of coming to know Him in supergrace status. The shewbread represents the supergrace life or occupation with the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

            7. The bread is composed of fine flower describing the impeccability of the humanity of Christ. Christ was perfect, therefore qualified to be our saviour, qualified to be our high priest, qualified to be the King of kings, qualified to have a royal family forever.

            8. The absence of leaven in the bread is a reminder of the virgin birth. Christ was born of a virgin, therefore without a sin nature and without the imputation of Adam’s sin.

            9. Baking of the bread with fire is a picture of the cross. Christ provided everything through becoming our saviour, bearing our sins on the cross. His efficacious death for our sins is the basis of the provision.

            10. There was with the putting the bread on the table the offering of frankincense in golden bowls which were also located on the table. The offering of frankincense in the golden bowls on the table is a picture of the fragrance of Christ as far as God the Father is concerned, a picture of Christ propitiating God the Father, satisfying all of the requirements of the Father so that He could have a royal family forever.

            11. The eating of the bread — only the priests and a few others could eat the bread; a king like David could - by the priests is a picture of the daily function of GAP by the believer priest in the Church Age. As the priest ate the bread it sustained him; as we live on Bible doctrine we are sustained in this life.

            12. No leper could ever eat the shewbread, that was one of the no-no’s of Leviticus 22:4. It means that no reversionist can take in Bible doctrine and profit from it. Leprosy represents reversionism.

            13. No stranger could eat the bread, according to Leviticus 22:10. The stranger is the unbeliever. The unbeliever cannot understand Bible doctrine — 1 Corinthians 2:14.

            14. The shewbread cost the priests nothing. Therefore it is a picture of both salvation by grace and living by grace.

            15. The twelve loaves of bread represented the twelve tribes of Israel, but this is a shadow of the doctrinal basis for unity in the royal family. As all twelve loaves of bread were on the table it meant that God intended for there to be unity among the tribes, but this unity was based upon their attitude toward Bible doctrine. The table represents Christ. On the table was doctrine. There were twelve loaves of bread on the table. The unity was based upon all Israel, members of each tribe, being positive toward Bible doctrine. Unity is always based upon perception of doctrine.